Saturday Morning Baking

Before I was a mom, I thought that when I had kids, I’d bake all the time for them. And then…I had kids. And I realized that I was only baking on birthdays and holidays. It felt like there was never time and space to make it part of our regular rhythm.

But as we slowly built a meals routine, I realized that Saturdays would be a wonderful day for baking. And so for the past three years, almost every Saturday morning I rise early and make some homemade delicious treat for my family. Muffins. Coffee cake. Pumpkin bread. Bundt Cake. Often I have tiny helpers, eager to pour and mix. Every Saturday is a little bit different—but no matter what I make, I ALWAYS make a double batch. One to eat on Saturday morning, warm out of the oven, and one batch for Sunday morning, to enjoy alongside our eggs and potatoes to keep our bellies full during church.

As my 8 year old said the other day… “Mama, I just LOVE Saturday breakfasts, and eating warm baked treats together as a family”.

“So do I, Buddy. So do I. “

What weekend traditions does your family have that you know your kids will look back on when they’re older?









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