What Season Are You In?

What season are you in, Mama?

Sunday evenings at our house look like dessert (in this case, homemade brownies a la mode) for 6, plus a toddler portion in a bowl alongside.

But now, instead of me making dessert, my oldest makes it, sometimes consulting me on technique, sometimes doing it all by himself.

There was a time when there was only two of us, and Sunday evenings looked like walks to a coffee shop, and chatting leisurely over a shared pastry.

And there was a time when Sunday evenings were so crowded with little ones and their needs that Sunday evenings looked like a slow cooker meal and store bought cookies after watching a cartoon about whatever Bible story we had heard at church that morning.

What season are you in, Mama? There’s good to found in all of them, and God has you in this season in which you find yourself today for a reason. But don’t let the ‘gram fool you…each season certainly has its challenges as well, and you’re not the only one to struggle.

While you see a pic of beautifully crafted desserts made by a teen, you don’t see that Mama didn’t get a bite of hers before her ice cream was completely melted, because a toddler also lives in this house, and there were messes to clean and tears to dry before Mama sat down with the rest of the family.

There’s always a backstory, isn’t there?

Whatever season you’re in, Mama, look around and be thankful for where you are…but also realize, on those days when you feel helpless and overwhelmed, that this time isn’t forever, and a new season is coming, just as surely as Spring is causing green to creep across all the trees and grass around us.

Hang tight in this season, Mama…in spite of the hard bits, there is surely beauty too.

Cheering you on through the changing seasons!




#Teens #Teenagers







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